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Who We Are

A diversified technology company, focusing on providing a broad range of service offerings, including technical consulting, material procurement and systems integration



Consulting & Survey

Our team of consultants and technology experts understand your needs and advice you the advance and cost effective solutions.


In-House R&D

We boast one of the highly qualified and well equipped in-house research and development facility to provide of our customers the latest of cutting edge technology.


Online Live Support

We provide 24/7 Online Live support for our customers around the globe.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes Art is knowing which ones to keep

Our Services

We helps you improve your company’s performance and we deliver real business results through a people-centered approach to technology and providing the right expertise according to your needs.

Our Partners

Get In Touch

Please visit us for a live demo at our experience center.

Registered Office

  • +(91) 44 2436 2412
  • B1, Dr.Kamalam Manor
    528, T.T.K. Road
    Alwarpet, Chennai - 600 018
    Tamilnadu, India

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